About the press service

Press-secretary: Pardayeva Kumush

Phone number: +99878 120 38 09

E-mail: kumush@doridarmon.uz

Web-site manager: Saliyeva Durdona

Phone number: +99871 281 43 32

E-mail: durdona@doridarmon.uz

The main tasks and functions of the press service:

- participation in the formation and implementation of information policy determined by the management of the “Dori-Darmon” JSC (hereinafter referred to as the company) in accordance with modern requirements;

- Ensuring effective and practical interaction with the Press Service of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, information services of state and economic management bodies on the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of information;

- objectively, qualitatively and promptly inform the public about regulatory and legal documents related to the company's activities and scope of work;

- interaction with mass media, formation of a circle of journalists working in constant interaction with the Press Service, distribution of information messages (press releases, bulletins, etc.), organization of mass events, including with participation of the Company's management (meetings, meetings, meetings, press conferences, briefings, seminars, round tables, etc.);

- Prompt placement of information on the company's official website and timely updates, development of web resources on the Internet, including social and mobile networks;

- monitoring and analyzing the information field on issues related to the industry, preparing proposals together with experts (specialists) on the types, methods and level of immediate response to incorrect messages or materials in the media that defame the reputation of the company, including the organization of comprehensive work on the dissemination of materials on the Internet;

- preparation of messages, information, reviews and other information and analytical materials for distribution in domestic and foreign mass media together with the company's subdivisions and companies within the company;

- Providing information materials (in text, photo, audio, video and other forms) to representative offices of the Republic of Uzbekistan in foreign countries, as well as to diplomatic missions of foreign states in Uzbekistan, in order to ensure quality coverage of the company's activities in foreign media;

- Accompanying delegations in order to highlight in a positive light the reforms implemented in the field of pharmaceuticals in Uzbekistan, as well as the company's activities in the international arena, as well as working and official visits of the company to foreign countries;

- Analyzing the state of public opinion and the position of the domestic and foreign media with regard to the company's activities and providing information about them to management;

- Creating and updating a database of text, photo, audio and video materials related to the company's activities.


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